You might expect a mission statement at this point.
We haven't got one.
We are an unconventional law firm with a robust dispute resolution practice, and corporate and conveyancing expertise. We resolve disputes, and we put deals together.
Established in 1989, CTS is a leading law firm and has built a substantial reputation over the years. We are savvy and disciplined in our practice; tenacious and unwavering in the manner we conduct our briefs. Every lawyer is hands-on in every part of the process, from senior to junior counsel. That’s what sets us apart.
We believe in an approach that is not only solutions-based and results-driven, but also one that enhances our clients’ knowledge and participation. We provide definitive legal solutions, and at the same time deliver clarity and understanding to our clients. Not just academic understanding of the law – any good law firm can do that; we break it down for you so that you have a practical and holistic appreciation of your legal endeavour, as well as our strategies for achieving your objectives.
The law is complex. The best lawyers know that it is never black and white, and can skilfully navigate through the endless tints of nebulous grey. Our expertise lies in taking a messy, confused situation and bringing it into sharp focus, to resolve it and get the best out of it for you.
Anyone can counsel and represent. We fiercely protect and act. Always guided by the law, we seek opportunities to create and innovate rather than just apply, and we staunchly advance your rights and interest in your legal pursuits. It is on this robust conviction that our reputation rests.
We always go the extra mile. We like it there, it’s never crowded.
And you thought all lawyers were the same.